Adult Classes/Membership

We have a limited number of memberships. Please email for details.


If you’d like to be register please send a refundable deposit of $190.00 or $380.00 in full via Zelle using 646.283.2006. There’s an additional $35.00 fee for clay

All participants must provide verification of vaccines and boosters along with a photo ID. Masks are now optional in the studio. Please monitor your health and test frequently.

Wheel classes are Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 6:30-9:00 and Thursday 12:00-2:30 The fee for the class is $380.00, with an additional $35.00 fee for clay, firing fees are .10 cents a cubic inch.

During our 6 week wheel series, beginners can learn how to center clay on the wheel, make a cylinder, bowl, and cup with a handle, as well as glaze the creations. Classes are mixed level, one evening a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  or Friday from 6:30-9pm, (students attend same day each week) and limited to 5 students per class with wheels socially distant. Weekly 2 hour practice sessions are included and held on Saturday and Sundays, and must be signed up for to attend.

The fee for the six week course is $380.00, with an additional $35.00 fee for clay /25 lb bag, firing fees .10 cents per cubic inch. Please bring your own tools. prices subject to change with out notice.

You must be vaccinated and boosted to attend. We are mask optional. . Please note this may change depending on the metrics.

We accept outside wares to be fired. When inquiring please advise of the clay body and temperature as well as the quantity. Firing fees tbd.

We’re hiring wheel instructors for adult and kids classes. Please email Please include your experience.

Work exchange opportunities! Please include your ceramic experience when inquiring

Registration + Membership

Now accepting applications for studio membership ! Please include information on your ceramic practice along with verification of vaccine/booster and photo ID in your request. email

Please note reservations for adult classes are held on a first come first serve basis with $190.00 deposit and verification of vaccination via Zelle using 646.283.2006 to register. If your deposit is received and we are fully booked, you have the option to be placed on the waitlist, or receive a refund.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

To register or for any questions, email us at:

Did you know …….we host an all organic CSA! pickup day is on Wednesday, and pro rated shares are welcome!